Crozier Variants

The Cross of a region with the Crosier-Crozier can consider being from between Roxburghshire Scotland and County Fermanagh, Ireland.

Anglo-Saxon cross buried for 1,000 years seen in stunning detail for the first time – CNN Style

Crozier Am (1)

Crosier, Crozier, Croyser Crosyer, Crosar

Crozier symbols

Added 3/28/2019 MSE

Crozier; Croyser, Crosyer

Crozier, Crosier, Grozier, Gros, Crosser, Cross, Cros, Crozat, Crozet and other variant names. Surnames (Family Tree DNA Crozier site) Crazier, Crizer, Crosair, Crosare, Croser, Crosier, Crosir, Crosnier, Crossar, Crosser, Croysar, Croyser, Crozer, Crozier.

Crozier variations

Crozier Crosar Crosier name history

Jacob Crosar

Crozier Clan is an ally of Clan Armstrong, Nixon, and Ellot.

Recorded in 1587 as being with their allies a middle march clan;

Crosser-Crozier 1587 Middlemarch (2)

Though by the by the sixteenth century Crosier/Crozier (cross/sheepherder’s cane bearer) . At that time the name meant cross sier or cross/cane bearer.

Though the origins and spelling of the name in Scotland in 1376 is Croyser, indicating in the Scottish language of Croyland (hut land), as Croyser (hut people).

croy croyland croyser crosier crozier surname distribution

Crozier surname distribution

1125 Croyland


croy; hut

croyland; land of huts

croyser; people who live in huts

DSL croy

Aldano filio Alfwald Alan son of Elfwald

1376 Liddesdale Croyser


Crozier; Croyser & Crosyer

Note as near Croyland the surname Alan variant is used.

Alani 1376

16th Century cross/crook bearers


Crosyer, Crosier


It should be noted, Hobbs Elwode (Hob Elwald; Robert Elwald-Ellot), Clemyt (Clemyt Crossier, Clement Crosir’s sister’s son, in other words his nephew, better known as Clementis Hobs of Stobs/Gorrenberry).

Correction; Croyser, and Croiseralso refers to Cross. 7/26/2015

Croyser, Croiser, and latter it is felt Crosyer, and Crosier all refer to Cross.

Croyser Crosyer Croiser Crosier

As one can see above most early spellings of the name are Croyser (Croiser).

crois, croys, cross 1 (1)

crois, croys, cross 1 (2)

crois, croys, cross 1 (3)

Definition is basically cross given the definitions of croys/crois, in reference to cross goes back likely to the twelfth century, previous to its common use as a surname, so this lends me to believe that when the surname was adopted by the Scottish or to become Scottish group, the name meant cross.

Name Croyser of 1376 becomes Crosyer of 1541.

It is felt that the name Crozier has dual origins one of the French-Norman Crosier, and the other of the Scandinavian-Scottish Croyser with both eventually become Crozier.

The name Elliot has dual surname origins of the Norman Aliot, and the Scandinavian Scottish Ellot. People of the Scandinavian Scottish name origins of Croyser, lived among the Ellot in Liddesdale.


Crozier; Croyser Crosyer

Elliot; Aliot Ellot

Mark Elliott    5/18/2015


Croyser to Crosyer to Crosier to Crozier;

The Ellwood, of Elwald/Elwold, to Ellot to Elliot, in the borderlands, are in close relation to the Croyser/Crosyer. The Elliott, and Crozier, today have dual identities of French Norman and Scandinavian.

Today the Crozier are a sept of the predominately Scandinavian Armstrong.

Ellwood GB surname distribution

Crozier GB surname distribution (1)

Crozier surname distribution

Crozier surname distribution

More Crozier distribution patterns;

Seem to show, a south English, likely French Norman, Crosyer influence;

crozier surname distribution

Seems to show a Germanic Scandinavian Croyser borderlands influence;

Cozier surname distribution 1surname distribution 2

Scandinavian Highway;


Croyland the land of huts and Croysers, those who lived in and built the huts.

Mark S. Elliott  7/19/2015

Croyser/Crosyer referencing;

Fifteenth through seventeenth centuries;

Name variants;

Croyser Crosyer (1)

Used in family tree;

Croyser Crosyer (2)

Wills of York

Croyser Crosyer (3)

and indexing;

Croyser Crosyer (4)

7/19/2015 MSE

Note; stag head at crest.

Crozier Croyser Crosyer Crosier coat of arms

Mark S. Elliott    7/21/2015

Crozier an Armstrong Sept?

With the Elliott there are basically dual origins in the Crozier.

With Elliott, the UK Elliott (not Elliot) are likely to be of Norman origins of William de Aliot (Eliot) of Southern, France, and not a sept of Clan Elliot, an example would be TS Eliot.

Many of the Crozier, have a similar distribution to the Elliott, and are related to the Elliott, through Scottish/Scandinavian origins, and these are the sept of Clan Armstrong.

Today the UK Clan Elliot does not seem to recognize the Elwald line which is strongly connected to Clan Armstong, so am asking Clan Armstrong to recognize the Elwald line of on of their septs.

The following show that the Armstrong, Elwald (Elliot), Croyser (Scottish Crozier), are of a similar grouping.

Elwald, Nixon, Crosyrs, and Armstrong

Shows numbers of Armestrong (can see why the Amstrongs are referred to as an army strong, a strong army at the time) Ellwood (English ell (measurement of length, wood (woods), like an acre forest but measure in length instead of area) (Ellot), and Nixons.

Numbers of Liddesdale, though from Liddesdale in 1376, most people of the Croyser are felt to be in Treviotdale in 1547.

It should be noted that the Armestrongs, are about four times the numbers of the Ellwoods, and the Ellwood about twice the Nixons, making the army strang Armystrand along the Liddel Water the strongest army dealing with the Debatable, lands and the western border. The army of the fort the Elwald for the Hermitage Castle are as Elliot today, in the Parish of Castleton (after Old Castleton, just east of the Liddel Castle), are still strong in numbers.

It is felt that the name Elwald was seeded, and surname adoption of most Elliot in Castleton Parish and Hawick, were adopted in the region.

The Armystrand, became Armestrang which became Armstrong, along the Liddel and the Liddel/Liddell along the Liddel like Eric Liddell of Scotland refusing the prince of wale to run on Sunday during the 1924 Olympics in France  (Chariots of Fire), was a family of the borders, and refusing aristocracy is a typical trait of a boarder.

The Armstrong and Littles still today reside in the region, and in the past previous to the shield with the strong arm, used a shield of St Andrews Cross a star and crescent moon similar to the Scott shield.

Scott, Little, Liddell, and Armstrong arms-crest moon star


Elwald Ellot, Armstrong, Croyser Crosar

Armstrong, Nixon, Elwald, and Crosar

Unversity of St Andrews Elwald & Croyser for Pope Martin V;

John Elwald rector of St Andrews University 1418, the provost was Bothwell (surname Douglas).


William Croyser, Archdeacon of Treviotdale, is spelled correctly in 1400 as Croyser.

Wm Croyser 1411 St Andrews. One of eight acolytes of Pope Martin V.

William Croyser St Andrews

When Robert Elwald of Redheugh received the lands of Redheugh, Lariston, Hartsgarth and others, the names Ninian Elwald, and Andrew Elwald appear, likely influenced by John Elwald rector of St Andrews University 1418, and rector of Kirkandrews (church of St Andrews near Canonbie).


Also in the witnessing of the deed are found the names John and Quentin Crosar. 

Preceding Robert Elwald receiving lands, a David Hume received lands of Wolflee and Wolfhopelee 1436;

Elwald Crosar Hume

A Jacob Crosar, and a John Elwald, were listed as witnessing that deed, on land just north of Liddesdale, which the family which spell their names with a single “t” are from besides Minto;


Earliest Form is Croyser;

In Liddesdale there was a valley identified by the locality of those people who were called Croyser, the conclusion that in 1376 they had a surname of Croyser could be incorrect, but people who lived in this particular valley in Liddesdale were referred to as Croyser, and the valley was identified in with the location these people lived.

This makes me feel that the people who lived in a built huts which were called Croyser lived in this valley.

DSL croy

In 1350 close to Croyland one finds the name Croyser;

Thomas Croyser 1350 Reepham diocese of Lincoln

Lincoln is a city in England and should not get confused with the county of Lincoln in which Croyland is.

Fenland Croyland Crowland (1) Fenland Croyland Crowland (2)Fenland Croyland Crowland (3)

Ellwood GB surname distribution

Ellwood coat of arms Yorkshire


Stag head likely from King/St Elfwald/Elwald of Hexam Abby, Northumberland. Coin/sceat minted in the capital of Northumbria, in the town/city of York, in Yorkshire.



The above crest is of William of Gorrenberry/Horsleyhill, the Redheugh Elwald/Elwand line adopted and elwand on their been at the time of infeft, receiving land, and William of Gorrenberry assisted in this land receiving of Redheugh, Lariston and Hartsgarth, which uses the Redheugh shield.

The elwand for the people called Elwand (Elwald) on the been of the Stobs/Redheugh shield and used for the lands of Redheugh, which Gorrenberry is of the lands of William of Gorrenberry/Horsleyhill, and retained the earlier shield without replacing it with an elwand.


Mark S. Elliott     7/24/2015

Including this which I feel is and excellent write up on Crozier history;


Crozier Am (2)


Crosier is showing in UK 1881 and English distribution;

Crosier distribution 1881

Showing strength in the region of Wm Le Gros (Cros), which built the first Castle at Scarborough.

Crozier distribution 1881

Crosier is showing in the UK and Liddesdale-Treviotdale; Roxburghshire distribution, of Scotland, along with a West Riding Yorkshire, distribution, of Northumbria, now Lancashire, England.

The surname Crozer, Crozier, Crosyer, Crosier, Croisser, is of French orign, of French word Croise (one devoted to Cross), is felt by this writter as being correct, an a cross is on the sheild of their coat of arms;

Then name Crosyer, is listed by the name preceding the above names and felt to be properly spelled for many years that of Croyser is not listed. It is felt that the Croyser which changed their spelling by switching the places of the “y”&”s”  to the French Crosyer, are not to be considered French, but of the same people which made up the border Scots, and Irish, of Germanic Scandinavian origin. In about 1650 when the name Ellot inserted and “i” to becomeElliot, it also became of French Norman origin, of Wm de Aliot (Eliot like TS Eliot) of southern France.

Refer to; above correction shows the Scottish croys/crois, back to the twelfth century pre surname basically meantcross. 7/26/2015.


Liddesdale 1516 Croyser (Crosyer, Crosier, Crozier), and Elwald (Ellot, Elliot) and Nykson (Nixon).

Croyser Crosyer Crosier Crozier Ewold Elwald Ellot Elliot

Mark S. Elliott    7/25/2015


Wykerisindene 1241

Know all men present and to come, that I am John, Long e of the Wykerisin 64 the gifts I have given, & c God and the Blessed Mary & the owner Gilbert, abbot of Eynsham & the same place, the convent, it is in free, and perpetual his alms, never! One uirgatam of land with the appurtenances, with the exception of two messages for the so called, land pertaining in the from the town of Wykerisindona than William le Croyser, & Thomas, son of William, took hold of his, with all the liberties and free customes, with the sheep in the meadows & pastures are in their ways, in the paths in the fisheries, and the issues of the and in all the other places to the said land, appurtenances, to be and to hold of me, & here the foliage of my own &-sounding, quietly, peacefully, freely and with their successors, from all secular service, and all its demands, suits, plaints &


12/4/2018 MSE