BYU Brigham DNA
Brigham Harvard DNA genealogy – Microsoft Bing Search Images
Johnston, Ulster Muster c1630
Ellot, Ulster Muster c1630
I would like to thank BYU for their concerns. It was a company from Brigham City, Utah that concluded that the O-rings on the Challenger Shuttle could be causing problems. Hamiltonian-Royalist, Cromwellian Cambridge, Puritan prisoner of war indenture-slave at Otter Neck on the Sudbury River (now Saxonville, MA). The thoughts of genealogists and engineers are shared thoughts. As a graduate engineer from U of U, had taken the standard engineering knowledge of the strength and materials course.
Second in line teacher on the Space Challenger, was a math teacher who quit teaching math.
Willie Black both he and I ended up teaching math was a friend and was with engineering background. Even though I was an engineer and had “white face,” one photo showed a BYU-WY basketball game.
It would be good to see more ‘black’ engineers. Mark Stephen Elliott
Dr. Willie Black, Chancellor of the Black Student Alliance in 1969, on the Black 14 |
Dr. Black: The Black Student Alliance had an office. So I’m sitting in this office on Friday morning, I look up, Ron Hill, Mel Hamilton and Tony McGee said, We’re off the team. Hey, Willie, man—we’re off the team!
Michael Moore: English Civil War: Battle of Worcester 1651 | PBS LearningMedia
It is felt if these 14 players were playing for BYU and wore black armbands to protest the priesthood policy of the Mormons it is questionable that they would be kicked off the team. Mark Stephen Elliott
Far, Loren Spencer Elliott, ville sige, at en ingeniør bygger en bro, som andre kan krydse. Family Tree DNA konstruerede en bro fra den tysk-danske grænse til East Anglia, hvor Lorens søn, Mark Stephen Elliott, kan krydse.
Лорен Спенсер Эллиотт, мой отец сказал бы, что инженер строит мост, по которому могут перейти другие. Генеалогическое древо ДНК построило мост от немецко-датской границы до Восточной Англии, который может пересечь сын Лорен, Марк Стивен Эллиотт.
Лорен Спенсер Елліотт, мій батько сказав би, що інженер будує міст, через який можуть перейти інші. Генеалогічне дерево ДНК побудувало міст від німецько-датського кордону до Східної Англії, який може перетнути син Лорен, Марк Стівен Елліотт.
Loren Spencer Elliott, mój ojciec powiedziałby, że inżynier buduje most, przez który inni mogą przejść. Drzewo genealogiczne DNA zbudowało most od granicy niemiecko-duńskiej do Wschodniej Anglii, który może przekroczyć syn Lorena, Mark Stephen Elliott.
Loren Spencer Elliott Môj otec by povedal, že inžinier stavia most, cez ktorý môžu ostatní prejsť. DNA rodokmeňa postavila most z nemecko-dánskych hraníc do východného Anglicka, cez ktorý môže prejsť Lorenov syn Mark Stephen Elliott.
Loren Spencer Elliott Apám azt mondaná, hogy egy mérnök hidat épít, amelyen mások átkelhetnek. A DNS családfa hidat épített a német-dán határtól Kelet-Angliáig, hogy átkelhessen Loren fia, Mark Stephen Elliott.
Loren Spencer Elliott Mein Vater würde sagen, dass ein Ingenieur eine Brücke baut, die andere überqueren können. DNA Family Tree hat für Lorens Sohn Mark Stephen Elliott eine Brücke von der deutsch-dänischen Grenze nach East Anglia gebaut.
Google images FTDNA 101829
May consider other spellings for Crozier.
First Name Surname Barony/Lands Landlord/Estate County
John Croser Magherboy G. Hume Fermanagh
George Courser Magherbuy Sir W. Cole Fermanagh
William Grocer Magherbuy Sir W. Cole Fermanagh
William Grocer Dungannon Captain A. Sanderson Tyrone
Мир людей любит общаться с каждым. Это можно сделать с помощью текстовых переводчиков и картинок. Хотя языков много, их использует гораздо меньшее количество. Их строки символов и будут использоваться. Некоторые идут вертикально, вверх и вниз, некоторые справа налево, некоторые слева направо. Кажется, что во всем мире принимается формат слева направо. С русским двойным набором у русских, кажется, есть набор персонажей, путешествующих на запад в Европу, и другой набор в Восточную Азию, который используют нерусскоязычные народы. Имея большую площадь неосвоенных земель, кажется, что у русских есть большое будущее, к которому можно предвидеть. Это сделано потому, что люди поняли, что в двойственности символы используются горизонтально слева направо, причем один набор символов для Европы, другой для Азии, эти наборы вместе опоясывают мир.
Our Elliot Ancestors of New England by Loren Spencer Elliott
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; by Armstrong, James Lewis
Genealogy of the Daniel Elliot family
by Marshall E. Lignian
Genealogy of the Daniel Elliot family Marshall E. Lignian to jpg
named – Map your surname across the UK (
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MacGregor like MacGregor Park region Houston, TX where deceased James Reese Elliott with red hair also use to live.
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (
Mark Elliott Family Tree DNA kit number 101829 Daniel Elliot Cluster first 12 markers;
14 24 14 11 11-14 12 12 11 13 13 29
Given that down the first line Daniel of the son of Daniel, and the sixth line Jonathan of the Daniel having matching markers being descended from Daniel Eliot which testified at the Salem Witch Trials for Elizabeth Proctor, of which story is used by Arthur Miller, Jewish play write because Jews were being looked upon as communists during the ‘cold war’. Knowing that the prerequisite to science is to correct errors, and the FTDNA does not even correct sig figs in TIP calculator, showing me their remedial level of math. Being a product of the math, which put an Armstrong on the moon, was able to do some remodeling, unlike Daniel Elliott speaking out before Harvard Puritan judges, this time I would not be silenced. All I had to be as exacting as a second-generation genealogist-engineer, and people could symbolically hang me, but the internet has been fed with what I feel are accurate references embedded in images. People sharing information and coming to conclusions are much more accurate than people thinking they are right. Authority of the family is what exists in family history, DNA is a tool of the genealogists, not a suppression for nation-state historians.
SWP No. 106: Elizabeth Proctor – New Salem – Pelican ( DNA results | LUND-IA-K (
DNA Migrates With Language
Приняли мученическую смерть нортумбрийские братья, одного по имени «Ярмарка», а другого по имени «Тьма», сподвижники Святого Виллиброрда. Из Нортумбрии они получили образование в Ирландии. Эти священники бенедиктинского ордена отправились с Виллибрордом во Фризию, Нидерланды. Они были замучены вместе в Аплербеке, недалеко от Дортмунда, Германия, местными язычниками.
Хотя сэр Вальтер Скотт в «Айвенго» любит делать Армстронга и Эллиотта кристайнами, мы граничили с англосаксонскими язычниками. Не очень заботьтесь о границах между Великобританией и ЕС и в пределах Галиции между Польшей и Украиной. Нам нравятся евреи, но мы вышли замуж за ирландцев. Не знаю, как нам это сошло с рук, потому что они католики
Гэвин Данбар – Разрушение проклятия
Согласно 3 источникам
В 1525 году архиепископ Глазго Гэвин Данбар наложил проклятие на пограничных рейверов и всех их потомков. Это проклятие читалось на каждой кафедре и на каждом посту мерката в Пограничных землях.
Когда посетитель пришел к англо-шотландским границам и спросил, есть ли христиане, ответ был: «Мы Армстронг и Эллиотт». Мы считаем проклятие епископа Гэвина Данбара комплиментом. Нам до сих пор нравятся ирландские католические женщины.
Share some DNA with this crazy guy, which flew a kite in a rain storm to catch lightining in a jar. They named the State of Franklin after him. Became Washington County, TN, were wife with middle name Roberta is from. Guess those East Tennessee people must like the name Roberta.
Feel likely related to this John Hammer from from there. Not granddad Mark (no middle name) Elliott, his son my father Loren Spencer Elliott said he rejected the name on his birth certificate. Do not want to offend someone who worked with Family Tree, so will not disclose that name.
State of Franklin Era Documents Haws, Jacob vs. John Hammer
BYU Brigham DNA – Gorrenberry (2022) (
Епископ Данбар из Глазго проклинает пограничные рейверсы, когда нас сослали в графство Ферманаг Ирландия, мы женились на этих милых ирландских магуайрах и макманусах. Армстронг, Эллиотт, Никсон и Крозье не нуждались в комплименте. У нас были вещи вне этого мира, такие как нанесение первого следа на Луне.
Проект Айвенго;
For dad, a Watershed Planning Engineer Soil Conservation Service, US Department of Agriculture for the State of Iowa, family historian, and duplicate bridge player;
In lieu of flowers the family suggests contributions to the Armstrong surname genealogical organization.
Britain and Ireland SNP & Surname Mapper (
Хочу поблагодарить россиянина за помощь в этом. FTDNA исключила меня из разговоров по-английски в своих блогах. С моим опытом эта проверка грамматики в переводчике, вероятно, улучшит мое общение.
Обнаружил, что я избегал знаний об Айвенго из-за Вальтера Скотта, и аристократия была покрыта. Семья Горренберри, в 1607 году была изгнана из королевств Англии и Шотландии, Там, где Скотты из семьи Вальтер Скоттов поддерживали семью Маргарет Элиотт, они жили к северу от границы и хотели, чтобы они стали аристократами. Отец сэр Артур Элиотт из линии Стобс купил землю Редхью, для дочери 29-го вождя Маргарет, землю, которую мы получили от Арчибальда «Белла Кота» Дугласа 5-го графа Ангуса, позже в 15-м веке. Земли перешли к Баклюху из линии сэра Вальтера Скотта.
Герцог Баклюх и Нил Армстронг утверждают, что Лангхольм на Эске является их родным городом. Армстронг, Эллиотт, Никсон и Крозье поддерживали французскую католичку Марию Стюарт Французскую, королеву Шотландии. Она была моложе первой королевы Англии Елизаветы и, вероятно, пережила бы ее, но Елизавета обезглавила ее, поэтому в Англии не было бы католической королевы на троне. У Елизаветы не было детей, но у Марии Стюарт был сын, взятый пресвитерианами. Когда Елизавета умерла, ее сын Джеймс стал королем обоих королевств, это было истребление и казнь Армстронга, Эллиотта, Никсона и Крозье, из шотландских кланов Среднего марта, многие переехали в Ольстерскую Ирландию, а не на границе Великобритании и ЕС, и вступили в брак с ирландским Магуайром и Макманусом. Кромвель стал диктатором и уничтожил сотни ирландцев. Мы поддерживали ирландцев, и мой предок стал рабом пуритан, которые основали Гарвард, которые вешали людей как ведьм, чтобы заставить их замолчать. Эти люди, которые заставляют меня замолчать, имеют природу Кромвеля-короля Джеймса для ДНК генеалогического древа. Ученые-генетики, генеалоги-семейные историки, для того чтобы это было правильно сделано, люди говорят свободно, а один из членов семьи знает семью лучше всех, поэтому информация делится между семьями, чтобы найти семейную историю. ДНК является одним из многих инструментов, доступных семейному исследователю.
Следует отметить, что принц Уэльский (Стюарт, вероятно, рядом с престолом Англии) и герцог Баклюх, происходящий из семьи сэра Вальтера Скотта, происходят от Карла II, который был королем Стюартов на троне. Армстронг, Эллиотт, Никсон и Крозье у них нет лидеров, потому что, когда подразумевалось лидерство, монархия повесила бы их. Мы племена, это различия, которые важны, и мы гордимся ими. Епископ Данбар проклял нас, но мы, Армстронг, Эллиотт, Никсон и Крозье, думали, что нас хвалят. Все желающие могут внести свой вклад, но не критиковать.
Some people may have been raised as Arabic, or Mormon, two religions with non-drinking. Their family my rebel by drinking, but alcohol could still have an effect on them, so they may reassociate to a belief that does not drink. The Mormons and Arabs are a welcome part of our community of Gallup, New Mexico, USA.
To search out individuals the behavior on individuals is needed, though nation state historians may have a tendency to do group searching.
Y-DNA travels from father to son, like from Bennett to his son Elliott Daniel Greenspan.
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Первой женой была Уотсон, мормонка, поэтому ее бросил хороший друг и сокурсник, вернувшийся миссионер Церкви Святых последних дней. У него было горское имя, поэтому он, возможно, не знал, что я происходил от самого печально известного пограничного рейвера в Лиддесдейле, чья слава распространилась на Ольстерскую Ирландию, Clement’s Hobs (сын сестры Клемента Крозье Роберт Эллиотт). Таким образом, мне нужно было дважды окунуться, чтобы это произошло.
Скотты получили свое название от того, что были гэльскими шотландцами, но жили за пределами этого района. Один из них называется шотландцем, потому что он (фамилии идут по нему) родом из этого гэльского региона. Многие из Scott и Montgomery несут J-M172, а с Грэма с английской стороны границы несут J-M267. Эллиот женился на семьях Скоттов и даже Грэмов.
Завоеватели заставляют замолчать людей, которые не говорят об истории «статус-кво», но беженцы мигрируют ДНК. Отец мамы Барна, был венгерской империей, австрийско-греческим гальцийским католиком, как и евреи проекта «Айвенго». Со стороны матери был брак между католиком из ее семьи и евреем. Моя семья настолько ужасна, что нам нужно как-то улучшить запасы.
Хотя мое второе имя Стивен принадлежит венгерско-австрийскому греко-католическому происхождению в Галиции, мое имя Марк Эллиотт кажется еврейским. Марк Цукерберг (немец куча сахара) с именем Марк еврей, а основателя Генеалогического древа ДНК зовут его сын Эллиотт, и он еврей. Поэтому я полагаю, что Марк Эллиотт должен быть еврейским именем. Всегда задавался вопросом, почему кто-то еврей назвал сына в честь печально известной пограничной семьи, о которой писал сэр Вальтер Скотт? По крайней мере, мой племянник и его жена не использовали пресловутое пограничное имя. Они назвали своего сына Авраамом.
«Горнило» () — пьеса американского драматурга Артура Миллера 1953 года. Это театрализованная и частично беллетризованная история судебных процессов над салемскими ведьмами, которые проходили в колонии Массачусетского залива в 1692-93 годах. Миллер написал пьесу как аллегорию маккартизма, когда правительство Соединенных Штатов преследовало людей, обвиняемых в том, что они коммунисты. Миллер был допрошен Комитетом Палаты представителей по антиамериканской деятельности в 1956 году и осужден за неуважение к Конгрессу за отказ идентифицировать других присутствующих на встречах, на которых он присутствовал.
Биография Ранние годы
Миллер родился 17 октября 1915 года в Гарлеме, в нью-йоркском районе Манхэттен, вторым из трех детей Августы (Барнетт) и Исидора Миллера. Миллер был евреем и польско-еврейского происхождения. Его отец родился в Радомысль-Вельках, Галиция (тогда часть Австро-Венгрии, ныне Польша) ,..
Ваше имя пользователя или IP-адрес были заблокированы лидером WikiTree.
Начало блока: 21:01, 14 мая 2018
Предназначено для: Elliott-11757
Подозрение на нарушение: умышленное добавление ложной информации
Следует отметить, что когда Wikitree исключил семью, а затем использует загрузки, которые я предоставил, они больше не могут рассматриваться специально для расширения моей семьи Elliott Y-DNA действительным генеалогическим сайтом.
Америка, похоже, вернулась в эпоху маккартизма. Когда они обвиняли евреев и заносили их в черный список как коммунистов или пуритан Массачусетса в повешении ведьм, чтобы заставить их замолчать.
Neil Armstrong’s Last Name Posed a Problem in his Ancestral Scottish Hometown
The history of Enniskillen with reference to some manors in co. Fermanagh, and other local subjects
by Trimble, William Copeland, 1851-1941
“Thursday, August 4th: 7pm – Ceremonial Evening Parade Saturday August 13th: 10am – Ceremonial Morning Parade Route: Downtown Gallup”.
Usually Gallup’s parade it the Thursday before the Saturday parade, and was informed by what I take it were some of Gallup’s street people it would be next Saturday.
So, got lucky and was able to see Nancy Wade an old friend at the corner where I wanted to take photo’s Her husband is ten years less a day old than me. Birth is October 22, 1949, his birth is October 23, 1939. Mom’s Alma’s death October 22, 1917, that is why I could not have it put on the stone. Her husband attended the Gallup engineer’s group, and Plateau Sciences with Nancy. They are of a different political party then I.
As we get old one looses there memory, in this process they try to pass on to the following generations their knowledge of their family history. Today I’m putting it on the web, but only those which utilize search engines not inundated by capitalistic advertising, and can search through will find it.
The GRAND MOMS (mothers of Mormon sons) are at the top of this, but they all had daughters; should not say this to those of BYU, but they do not have the ‘Y’ in them.
For some reason to have a son there also have to be these people without the ‘Y’ in them.
The BYU DNA GUIDE TEAM, ‘You Can Do DNA’ people, none on the team with the ‘Y’ in them. Do not know if they would allow a ‘family genealogist’, though he attended the U of WY, an U of UT, to associate with their team, but I do have the ‘Y’ in me.
The head of the team kind of ignored me at RootsTech 2019, handed her the card Google ‘Brigham DNA’ ; genealogy with DNA applied, though would today suggest the use of Microsoft Bing for genealogical research. Could be bias towards Microsoft since it was founded in New Mexico.
Car drives through parade in Gallup; initial reports say no one was injured
GALLUP, N.M. (KRQE) – KRQE News 13 is following reports of a car driving into a parade crowd in Gallup. The parade was to celebrate the 100th year of the Intertribal Ceremonial.
There were reports of shots fired but the city of Gallup says nothing has been confirmed at this time. Multiple witnesses say a car drove into a crowd and that people started scrambling to get away as first responders rushed in. Initial reports from the City of Gallup say no spectators were hit or hurt. The city of Gallup says the driver and two passengers are now in custody.
This is a developing story, KRQE News 13 will provide updates as they become available.
Copyright 2022 Nexstar Media Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
History Liddesdale by Robert Bruce Armstrong 1881 Clan Armstrong Trust reprint 1992
Chronicles of the Armstrongs ed by Armstrong, James Lewis MD
Where’s that crazy skiing lady when you need her. Is Thomas Majkut brother to Josephus?
Still takes research as that Crazy Skiing lady knows from the Quaker state.
During the time Daniel Elliott my many great and biological Y-DNA great the Harvard educated which Puritans which silenced people by hanging them as witches. Today they really could not be using the same techniques, because to be and US American people as the indigenous ones of Russia DNA for seeking and searching of traditional scientists, genealogists, and Quakers. The Harvard Puritan also considered those traditional Quakers witches. It these people as not Union Jack Tories, but US Constitution Americans, they believe in freedom of religion and speech, it is by behavior one can tell whether people are genealogists, or scientists. Using behavior measurement is referred to as being behavioral scientist. One who refers to another as a liar, and silences them is not a genealogist or scientist. Though people would like to kick people out of their family. If it is done with genetic geology, and you share the same DNA they are family. To find other family one must not also kick out the in-laws though a lot of people would like to. Figure those which thought they silenced me, would not like the Grand MOMS, check my links, which gave me a lot of time to feed the internet with images containing text, the search engines go to fast to pick-up text, and Google doing to many Ads which slants their genealogical searching outcome. The genealogist will go to browsers not capitalistic ad based, and influenced by corporate profits.
The computer does not know who are owners at first of the dot coms. After awhile images coming from particular dot coms as shared on other sites. For Google the advertisers are influencing the outcome.
With genealogy, to find new family, one must find new information, and that does not come from within, but without. The conquers are of the ‘status quo’, unify to write the history, but the refugees migrate the DNA. Family histories not the unified histories of dictatorial conquerors, the history from the grandmas is the more accurate history.
Thanks for help from the Jewish founders of Family Tree DNA, and Facebook and their Jewish Brazilian Portuguese speaking analytically oriented co-founders, for setting up Family Tree DNA with published data bases, With long term planning as dad was in being a Watershed Planning Engineer for the Soil Conservation Service, US Dept of Agriculture of the Dept of Interior, could plan decades in advance, given some life span likelihood, though younger brothers are deceased, folks live to 92.
Knowing people likely would kick me out of the blogs, ownership and operations of my own domains, I would be the one in charge of kicking myself off of,, and Though people may say a single person can not and own three links at age 72, the computer does not know who in particular is one the computer. There are sure a lot of students from BYU Brigham Young University, the only school, (it is not Harvard), which I know has a four year program in genealogy. Strong school of nursing (genetics), language (surname entomology), has a student body which the men called RM’s (returned missionaries) have traveled worldwide, even go to the Gallup, NM, Ceremonial, which out next is our hundredth, and these young men will be welcomed because Gallup, the most patriot small town in United State, besides like all US Americans those Union-Jack Tories may not believe, we believe in freedom of speech and religion.
Результаты ДНК MyHeritage – русский. + GedMatch + FTDNA Иван Ветлугин
Russians seem to be concerned with;
Polly Ann Hamblin (1900–1918) | Person | Family Tree | FamilySearch
Error correction; Mormon Colony Savoia Cemetery is in Cibola County.
Error correction: Mormon Colony Savoia Cemetery is in Cibola County.
SMALLPOX by Tim Amsden (Published in the Timberlake Times February 2000
In 1877, before the town of Ramah existed, a group of 100 Mormons fleeing persecution in Arkansas came to the area we know as Timberlake Ranch, and established a settlement they called Savoia. Savoia was one of the first white settlements in Western New Mexico.
Unfortunately, along the way one family took refuge from the cold in an empty adobe house, which was clearly marked with the word, “smallpox.” Either because they couldn’t read or because the weather gave them no choice, this house is where their twin babies were born. It is also where they took on the germs they would carry to the small settlement of Savoia.
During the bitter cold and heavy snows of the winter of 1877-78, smallpox ravaged Savoia, taking one person after another. Mothers and babies, fathers and children, died.
Some of the bodies may have been buried in a hand-dug well close to Timberlake – Paul Merrill is trying to verify that story. We do know that at least thirteen smallpox victims are buried in a small cemetery just below the upper ranch house. It is a well-tended area enclosed by a black wrought-iron fence, eerie with the tragedy of the deaths of young parents and children buried there, all struck down within four months by a terrible disease.
The settlement survived for a time – in 1880k, there were ten families living in Savoia. But eventually most of the people left to form Ramah and other communities, and the area, which is now Timberlake Ranch, became the Hamblin Ranch (the Hamblins were part of the original Savoia group).
In addition to the graves of those who died in the smallpox tragedy of 1877-78, the cemetery contains the grave of Polly Ann Hamblin, who lived from 1900 to 1918. Some people say that Polly’s ghost haunts the upper ranch house; but that is another story.
Thanks to two of our landowners, Kathryn Walling and Paul Merrill for their contribution to this article.
The Elliott grandparents of Mt Ayr, Iowa the only grandparents I knew each lost a younger brother in the 1908 flue epidemic. Took my vacinne in my left arm, where I had my small pox vaccination taken.
Polly Ann Hamblin
25 April 1900–22 March 1918 (Age 17)
The Life Summary of Polly Ann
When Polly Ann Hamblin was born on 25 April 1900, in Eagar, Apache, Arizona, United States, her father, Duane Hamblin, was 36 and her mother, Susan Virginia Greer, was 30. She lived in St Johns Precinct, Apache, Arizona, United States in 1900. She died on 22 March 1918, in Gallup, McKinley, New Mexico, United States, at the age of 17, and was buried in Valencia, New Mexico, United States.
Obituary for Miss Polly Ann Hamblin, Albuquerque Morning Journal (Albuquerque, New Mexico) 28 Mar 1918, Thu Page 5
Polly Ann Hamblin, died in Gallup’s Catholic Hospital which has been removed from the block, north of the cathedral, where Mother Teresa – Saint Teresa of Calcutta (group of India services Gallup, NM, USA) spoke.
On the final day, as the last delegates were signing the document, Franklin pointed toward the sun on the back of the Convention president’s chair. Observing that painters had found it difficult to distinguish in their art a rising sun from a setting sun, he went on to say: “I have often … in the course of the session … looked at that sun behind the President without being able to tell whether it was rising or setting. But now at length I have the happiness to know it is a rising and not a setting sun.”
‘…it is a rising and not a setting sun.’Ben Franklin
Statue of Freedom like the traditional homes-hogans of the Navajo look east towards the rising sun.
Though ‘U’ the rabbit can cover a lot of territory, every advance in territory doubles, like going back on a game bracket, or up the family tree. The ‘Y’ (XY Y-DNA), and the ‘X’ (XX mtDNA) travel on a single branch in which the mutations are not as large from generation, then can travel farther giving them more generations on that particular branch. In Anglo-European society, surnames travel the Y-branch, so since the autosomal is the base DNA, those without the Y-DNA have a tendency to do the autosomal DNA.
The top genealogists check the links without being asked. If you present them a link they have already checked it out. A large number of these people are MOMS (mothers of Mormon sons), they also have daughter and these daughter are know to team up in a DNA Guide Team. Wouldn’t you know those daughters are having daughters. Their daughters do not check single links, they are checking links of multiple links.
Even though the rabbit has speed the slowness and longevity of my group of turtles which have the ‘Y” in them is quite high. These turtles are do not know whether I should say it the ‘H’ word. Yes, they are call ‘Husbands’. They like to hide in their shells when all the ruckus is going on with the rabbits double their results with every generation they go down, though it will be limited because of mutations how far they can go. Those ‘Husbands’, (do not mean to use the ‘H’ word again) they seem to stack themselves up to get out of this bowl with limitations. It should be noted that these MOMS have placed and ‘X’ in their sons (Is this to keep track of them?), but for BYU, it is good they have in them the ‘Y’.
Gates if his Y-DNA is Anglo-European then his line would likely be, Anglican Hamiltonian Scottish Cromwellian Civil War POW, of Armagh, Ireland then of the Bahamas, of the West Indies.
Do not know what Henry Louis Gates Y-DNA is, but from what I am finding, indications as being like my family an indentured Cromwellian Civil War slave, but indentured to the Bahamas, where his family, likely intermarried with slaves brought from Africa. My family was indentured to Cromwellian Puritans of New England, which did not bring many black slaves to the region, but of the same Cromwellian Civil War.
Historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. On DNA Testing And Finding His Own Roots
….GATES: I did an episode with Oprah and Quincy Jones and Bishop T.D. Jakes and Chris Tucker. And the DNA tests we were doing at that time – when they analyzed my Y DNA, it went to Ireland. And when they analyzed my mitochondrial DNA, it went to England. I am descended from – on my father’s side – from a white man who impregnated a black woman and, on my mother’s side, from a white woman who was impregnated by a black man.
GATES: So if you were a Martian and came down to look at my DNA results, you’d think I was a white boy, you know?….
Historian Henry Louis Gates Jr. On DNA Testing And Finding His Own Roots : NPR
Seth Benjamin Tanner’s eighth great aunt’s second great nephew.
Y-DNA for Genealogists – Paul Dunn BYU Family History Library
Y DNA for Genealogists – Paul Dunn – YouTube
In 2010 Goldman Sachs hired 31 grads from Brigham Young University — the same number hired from Wharton.
11 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Mormons (
Wharton is an English Quaker name.
Though Nixon and Hoover where raised Quakers, they were Republicans. It is very unlikely for a Quaker Democrate to become president, like it would be very unlikely for a Republican Mormon to be president. The Udall are popular in Arizona, Colorado, and New Mexico.
May not know this, with twins you may come out first, but like with dad be born second.
Britain and Ireland SNP & Surname Mapper (
O’Connell I have M’Connell relations.
Katharine O’Connell
Someone at NorthCoastGen, may be interested in my family search;
My Y-DNA ended up in Georgia. The one carrying it indicated is was Baptists from Kittery, Maine, to South Carolina.
100th (

An example of excellent genealogy, with the assistance of DNA. Who’s the top experienced genealogists in group. Gail Andrews Hardy T124143 is, likely one of these GRAND MOMS.
John Wilkinson
June 6 @ 9:57am
If anyone has a line on Wilkinson border reiver affiliation with any of the larger border clans, please let me know and post source. A friend on FTDNA said he thought he recalled a book on the Border Reviers that identified the affiliation. I’ve read through about 8 books on the Borderers and can’t find the affiliation (despite the Wilkinson name appears on some lists), though I do know that there is a reference to a cluster of Wilkinsons in the ward of Coquetdale (near Alnwick and Rothbury). Thanks.
Belinda Dettmann
June 6 @ 3:43pm
Wilkinson is a name from the English side of the Border but I don’t recall an affiliation with any of the more turbulent Border Reiver names. These days it is most commonly found in Westmoreland, Durham and Cumberland. My Wilkinsons came from Durham.
Like John Wilkinson likes this
John Wilkinson
June 7 @ 8:01am
Thanks Belinda. Your Wilkinson line may hail all the way back to the Wilkinsons from Robert de Wintona’s line. If my memory serves, he ended up around Durham after leaving his lands in Wales as King William’s directive to pacify the North. Yes, I was pretty sure they were English Middle March. A couple folks on the Border Reivers project provided the following: On page 64 of The Steel Bonnets by George MacDonald Fraser he references the Wilkinson’s as a border reiver family on the English side of the Middle March. He does not seem to lump them in with the more “troublesome” clans. “England and Scotland, 1286-1603” by Andy King and Claire Etty. Page 158. Referencing Wilkinson/Rede/Hedley in 1498. Affiliation with Reed makes senses as the next vale over from Coquetdale is Redesdale if my memory serves me correctly. Belinda, if any of your Wilkinson males have Y tested could you let me know what projects they are on and their Y haplogroup? On Wilkinson site there are probably a dozen different Yhaplos. It’s clear that several independent lines adopted it as a surname, presumably shortly after the Norman Conquest. I have speculated that my line may have migrated to lowland Scotland (my two strongest YSTR matches trace to Lothian and Aberdeen) from the Borders, but for now it is just hypothesis. Knowing what Yhaplos are in the Westmoreland, Durham and Cumberland Wilkinsons would be helpful. But even they my be genetically unrelated amongst themselves.
Belinda Dettmann
June 11 @ 5:19pm
My Wilkinson male relatives are a fair way back up my tree, and I am not in contact with any male Wilkinsons from this line. If I find any I will certainly ask them to test their Y-DNA. My ggg grandfather Thomas Wilkinson was born in Sunderland, Durham in 1799, and died in Victoria, Australia in 1881. I descend from his daughter Louisa Wilkinson (1822-1902). I have lots of cousins from that line but no male Wilkinsons, that I can recall.
Like John Wilkinson likes this
John Wilkinson
June 12 @ 6:47am
Understand Belinda, thank you.
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143February 8 @ 8:30am
I just got my mtDNA results back. My Haplogroup is H1b1-T16362C, which means I match one person here, I think. Wheeee!
Kelly Starr
May 27 @ 8:33pm
This is my Dad’s group, which goes back to the Tynemouth area. Looking at your tree, your maternal line seems to go to Switzerland though? Did some of the Swiss family migrate to the Northumberland region?
Gail Andrews Hardy T124143
May 28 @ 7:44am
They very easily could have. This line is several thousand years old so there could be members of it all over.
John Wilkinson
May 23 @ 1:44pm
If possible, can one of the administrators please pass my contact information on to the MacBeth fellow (kit #B75726) who lists his MDKA as Anders Gyldenstierne b. 1380 Denmark, d. 1433? The reason I ask is he and kit #548140 have the same terminal SNP (BY69018) on the U152 project. Kit #548140 shows no name or MDKA. Please have Mr. MacBeth contact me to compare notes at [email protected]. Kit #548140 and I are presently grouped in the same Big Tree L20 sub-branch along with a Carroll and another unknown. Unfortunately Mr. MacBeth has not uploaded his results to the Big Tree, but given the terminal SNP is the same, he too would have to plot in the same location, wouldn’t he? On the U152 Project (screened for Y111 only) my only non-familial Big Y 700 match is sandwiched between Mr. MacBeth, Kit #548140 and myself. Another interesting aspect is that Mr. MacBeth’s MDKA indicates a linkage to the name Pedersen. I have a Y67 distance 3 match named Pedersen that I’ve never been able to make contact with. Perhaps there is a connection between all of us. Thanks.
Belinda Dettmann
May 23 @ 6:05pm
I will try to contact him on your behalf, John.
Like John Wilkinson likes this
John Wilkinson
May 24 @ 6:52am
Thank you!!
John Wilkinson
May 24 @ 9:03am
Mr. MacBeth emailed me, thank you!!
Belinda Dettmann
May 24 @ 4:23pm
That’s great! Well done, both of you.
These people were not drinkers and good people to the Navajo which supplied them with food. · Apr 19, 2022
FTDNA Russia – Gorrenberry
During the bitter cold and heavy snows of the winter of 1877-78, smallpox ravaged Savoia, taking one person after another. Mothers and babies, fathers and children, died. Some of the bodies may have been buried in a hand-dug well close to Timberlake – Paul Merrill is trying to verify that story.
Canyons of the Colorado, or The exploration of the Colorado River and its Canyons
by John Wesley Powell about 1870 (John Wesley founder of the Methodist) a scientist study the terrain and it’s peoples of the Colorado River.
Louisa Maria Mark is the oldest in the Elliott plot of Rose Hill Cemetery, Mt. Ayr, Iowa, USA, nearby in Kellerton Cementery is her farther Rev. Wm Fletcher Mark, and husband in Middle Fork, is her husband Rev. S. A. Elliott, both of the Methodist-Episcopalian Church.
Cromwell likely used Irish to drain the Fens (Fenlands).
Of Daniel Elliot 1615, granddad to Daniel Elliot of the Salem Trials.
Though I utilize; LivingDNA, MyHeritage, Ancestry, 23andMe, GedMatch, in the past have utilized WikiTree and FTDNA. Was kicked off WikiTree, they feel that a retired math-science-computer instructor second generation genealogists, of and established known genealogist, is not truthful. Family Tree DNA has taken me off also. Unlike WikiTree which is free and does not do DNA testing, not able to utilize my date in comparison to others; LivingDNA, MyHeritage, Ancestry, 23andMe. Been utilizing YSEQ, for DNA testing, as verification of Family Tree DNA, for mtDNA, and Y-DNA. For SNP, FTDNA went down as far as R-S16361, 23andMe obtained the same results, but with YSEQ I was able to go down the R-S16361 two more steps. R1b-U106>….>S16361>A6719>A6722.
Family Tree DNA though the product is purchased by you, it should be noted that they do take the product away from their buyers and consumers, and for some Y-DNA SNP they may not have advanced their test levels below what 23andMe are able to obtain.
Though autosomally, it is a sports-bracket family-tree, with just the Y-DNA it is a single line a path one which carries that particular Y-DNA travels on. The social-studies, people utilize silencing like Puritan Harvard on witches, the scientists-genealogists share and puzzle together information. Scientists can today communicate in math and diagrams, with translators any language can be used. The non scientists are dependent on language and will correct the spelling, and not the sig figs first.
Was pitching in a help on a Clan Crozier link for Wiki, but was kicked off. Descended from a Clementis Hobs (Clement Crozier’s sister’s son Robert Elliott), so created
A engineer with long term planning in the decades, can as a mine engineer, and as dad and agricultural civil engineer, set parameters, feed the the text, and images within graphic, and allow the image sharing of people on the internet take place. The ones which silence do not check links, the family genealogists-scientists will share those important to their particular families. Genetic-genealogical-science will be in the hands of the families, and by their action they know now YOU CAN DO DNA.
Не знаю, что делать с тем, чтобы это было связано с русским, что хорошо, но должен ли он был быть стоматологом?
On, was bumping elbows with this crazy skiing lady likely of this MOMS (mothers of Mormon sons) group, doing family search along the Polish-Solvakian border, in the old Austria-Hungarian Empire that of Galica, which today extends from southwest Poland into western Ukraine.
This was one of these super MOMS from the Quaker State. Both of us concurred that Find-A-Grave, like the one near where I was staying on my land near Ramah, NM, USA. Find-A-Grave says, McKinley County, when it was Cibola County, NM., says it is Valencia County, where Valencia County, did cover the region years ago. So when a couple of genealogists agree, one with extensive research on familysearch,org even though she may be a crazy skiing grandma, and I of family, when Find-A-Grave, or a ‘Higher Up’, tries to supersede, because genealogy is the sharing and coming to agreement on family history, this ‘Higher Up’, is likely creating errors for family sharers of their own family’s history.
Anglo-Saxon cross buried for 1,000 years seen in stunning detail for the first time – CNN Style
Note BYU;
No Cross, No Crown is one of the chief works of William Penn, first published in 1669. It was written during Penn’s imprisonment in the Tower of London. WIKI
(8) YDNA Testing FTDNA (Updated 2021) – YouTube
For those which have not been excluded from purchased products, like I have been from my mtDNA and Y-DNA, which I have purchased. It is standard economics that the one who purchased the product owns it. If the product is taken from the owner without just compensation, and not cleaned out of all areas of usage then this is definitely theft.
The TIP calculator example demonstrates with 30± 5 is used without specifying the units as the sig-fig then taking the answer to the hundredth without applying basic mathematics. Correcting spelling before one corrects the math shows the admins excepting for James M. Irvine of the Irwin Surname Project do not know their mathematics basics for being scientist let alone geneticists.
Für diejenigen, die nicht von gekauften Produkten ausgeschlossen wurden, wie ich es von meiner mtDNA und Y-DNA war, die ich gekauft habe. Es ist Standardökonomie, dass derjenige, der das Produkt gekauft hat, es besitzt. Wenn das Produkt ohne gerechte Entschädigung vom Besitzer genommen und nicht aus allen Anwendungsbereichen gereinigt wird, handelt es sich definitiv um einen Diebstahl.
Das TIP-Taschenrechnerbeispiel zeigt mit 30± 5 wird verwendet, ohne die Einheiten als Sig-Feige anzugeben, und dann die Antwort auf das Hundertstel zu nehmen, ohne grundlegende Mathematik anzuwenden. Die Rechtschreibung zu korrigieren, bevor man die Mathematik korrigiert, zeigt, dass die Admins, mit Ausnahme von James M. Irvine vom Irwin Surname Project, ihre mathematischen Grundlagen nicht kennen, um Wissenschaftler zu sein, geschweige denn Genetiker.
Dla tych, które nie zostały wykluczone z zakupionych produktów, tak jak ja byłem z mojego mtDNA i Y-DNA, które kupiłem. Standardową ekonomią jest to, że ten, kto kupił produkt, jest jego właścicielem. Jeśli produkt zostanie odebrany właścicielowi bez sprawiedliwego odszkodowania i nie zostanie oczyszczony ze wszystkich obszarów użytkowania, jest to zdecydowanie kradzież.
Przykład kalkulatora TIP pokazuje, że 30± 5 jest używany bez określania jednostek jako sig-fig, a następnie biorąc odpowiedź na setną bez stosowania podstawowej matematyki. Poprawianie pisowni przed poprawieniem matematyki pokazuje, że administratorzy z wyjątkiem Jamesa M. Irvine’a z Irwin Surname Project nie znają swoich podstaw matematycznych jako naukowcy, nie mówiąc już o genetykach.
Для тех, кто не был исключен из приобретенных продуктов, например, я был из моей мтДНК и Y-ДНК, которые я приобрел. Это стандартная экономика, что тот, кто купил продукт, владеет им. Если продукт взят у владельца без справедливой компенсации, а не очищен от всех областей использования, то это определенно кража.
Пример калькулятора TIP демонстрирует с 30± 5 используется без указания единиц в качестве сиг-фига, а затем принимает ответ на сотую без применения базовой математики. Исправление орфографии до того, как кто-то исправит математику, показывает, что администраторы, за исключением Джеймса М. Ирвина из проекта Irwin Surname Project, не знают своих математических основ для того, чтобы быть учеными, не говоря уже о генетиках.
There is an old proverb which assures that truth be told by laughing;
La Prision d’Édimbourg (The Prision of Edinburgh)
By Walter Scott
“2 There is an old proverb which assures that truth be told by laughing. The existence Walter Scott third son of Sir William Scott of Harden is educated as they say by charter bearing the great seal Domino William Scott of Harden militi and Walter Scott “suo legitimo tertio genito terrarum” (world,legitimate begotten) of Roberton. (See the Baronage of Douglas page 215). The old gentleman left his four sons considerable estates and gave those of Eilrig de Raeburn to his third. He who is the ancestor of Scott Raeburn and Waverly. author 11 Appears to have converted to the Quakers or Friends’ doctrine and became a great advocate of principles. It was probably when George Fox, the apostle of the sect, made a nun in the north of Scotland about 1657 AC. It is on this occasion that he says that as soon as the horse had set foot on the land of Scotland he felt the seed of grace shining around him like countless sparks. At the same time no doubt that Sir Gideon of Highchester’s second son William and the ancestor of the friend and parent of the author the representative of the family of Harden also embraced Quakerism. Gideon the latter converted entered into controversy with the Rev. James Kirkton author of the true and secret history of Scotland, which is mentioned by my ingenious friend Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe in this remarkable and curious edition of this work in 1817. Sir William Scott, the Brethren of the Brothers, remained in the midst of this defection an orthodox member of the church Presbyterian and us a uproot Walter de Raeburn to his heresy means that were more of persecution than persuasion. He was helped in his efforts by MacDougal of Makerston brother of Isabelle MacDougal wife of Walter and who like her husband had adopted the religion of Quakers Sir William Scott’s influence and that of Makerston were powerful enough to obtain two subsequent acts of the Privy Council of Scotland against Walter de Raeburn as heretic quakerism the co-inventor to be imprisoned first in the Edinburgh….”
One thing which is how one does genealogy they are not allow to kick out the in-laws if they are to be a family historian. Those dang in-laws have a tendency to push you so far, where one would like to put them out the door. This ones younger than Bobby Burns a true Scott with spoke and wrote in the Scottish language. This person like James I of Scotland, and VI of England his native language is Scottish. This Walter Scott and the King James Bible are in the Queen’s English. Elizabeth II, is unlike Elizabeth I who beheaded the Queen of Scots, Marie Stuart of France. Prince of Wales cousin to this in-law through Charles II. My Elliot line supported Charles II, was sold as an indentured slave to the English Colony of Massachusetts, to those Harvard Cromwellian Puritans, which like to silence free speech by hanging women as witches.
Though my Ell(i)ot(t) was already in America when the Quaker ladies arrived from Barbados, and were look upon as witches in 1657, the Scott House of Harden in which 29th chief given a large dowry married into, had family imprisoned in Edinburgh, because he listened ot George Fox.
The Hamiltonian Anglican Charles II Royalists help the family get reestablished in Tullykelter, County Fermanagh, Ireland. Supporting the Hamiltonian, such as the Alexander Hamilton from of Nevis Island of the West Indies, ended up imprisoned, then indentured to Puritans of the Colony of Massachusetts.
William Penn’s father supported Charles II, which then became King of England, and had sons which the Prince of Wales, and the Duke of Buccleuch are descended from. The Prince of Wales attended Saint Andrews, likely better known for it’s Scottish game of golf.
One ends up with all sorts of in-laws. Both the Duke of Buccleuch, and I do not want a wind farm built next to the home place of Clan Elliot, where Mary Queen of Scots, met her lover, James Hepburn, a Northumberland surname, but called by his estate acquired from the Douglas, near Glasgow, he was called Boswell.
BYU genealogy, you kind of swamped me an it is good you are moving on. Doing genealogy one needs others to look at a situation from a different angle. Guess I gave another angle to the situation, and one where DNA does not swamp the situation like you are swamping me. The Mormon ladies grandmas, mothers, and daughters, do diligent genealogical research at the highest of level, but without document ion and research done outside of they are not crossing over. They know it is not the genealogy applied to the DNA, but the DNA applied to the genealogy. A free taught me the saying “You do not throw out the baby with the bath water”, the baby is also it’s ancestry, When applying DNA it is just another tool, to integrate with the other new tools, to advance what the establish standards of genealogy already are.
The family knows best, and listen to the opposite sex in a DNA format, to a to the next generation of babies in which you will be the ancestry. It the following generations in their history throw you out of the tree, then they are not family historians.
The the Buccleuch, who is cousin to the Prince of Wales through Charles II, (R-L21 Y-DNA), his line says in the Ballad of Kinmont Willie (Armstrong), that Sir Gilbert Eliott of Stobs was in on the record, the 29th chief’s father that of Margaret Eliott of Redheugh, Sir Arthur Eliott of Stobs 28th chief, likely could share the same Y-DNA, and was chief when I began my genealogical research, and descendant of the aristocratic line mine banish from both kingdoms does not have as far as I know aristocracy in it, says which I agree with that it was his grandson, Gib (Gilbert) ‘Of the Golden Garters’, he received a large dowry including land when he married a Margaret ‘Fendy’ Scot(t), of Harden, the line was temporally realigned a north of the English-Scotish border towards the Douglas of Cavers and the Scotts of Harden-Branxholm in on the rescue. For us none aristocratic Elliott it is great to have the chief back in Redheugh and not aristocratic. Figure her father Sir Arthur Eliott is about my 27th cousin one time removed. Do no pay any attention to chief Margaret when she talks about a ‘vagabound’ Elliot from my area of the world, am in enough trouble as it is.
For those which have not been excluded from purchased products, like I have been from my mtDNA and Y-DNA, which I have purchased. It is standard economics that the one who purchased the product owns it. If the product is taken from the owner without just compensation, and not cleaned out of all areas of usage then this is definitely theft.
The TIP calculator example demonstrates with 30± 5 is used without specifying the units as the sig-fig then taking the answer to the hundredth without applying basic mathematics. Correcting spelling before one corrects the math shows the admins excepting for James M. Irvine of the Irwin Surname Project do not know their mathematics basics for being scientist let alone geneticists.
Für diejenigen, die nicht von gekauften Produkten ausgeschlossen wurden, wie ich es von meiner mtDNA und Y-DNA war, die ich gekauft habe. Es ist Standardökonomie, dass derjenige, der das Produkt gekauft hat, es besitzt. Wenn das Produkt ohne gerechte Entschädigung vom Besitzer genommen und nicht aus allen Anwendungsbereichen gereinigt wird, handelt es sich definitiv um einen Diebstahl.
Das TIP-Taschenrechnerbeispiel zeigt mit 30± 5 wird verwendet, ohne die Einheiten als Sig-Feige anzugeben, und dann die Antwort auf das Hundertstel zu nehmen, ohne grundlegende Mathematik anzuwenden. Die Rechtschreibung zu korrigieren, bevor man die Mathematik korrigiert, zeigt, dass die Admins, mit Ausnahme von James M. Irvine vom Irwin Surname Project, ihre mathematischen Grundlagen nicht kennen, um Wissenschaftler zu sein, geschweige denn Genetiker.
Dla tych, które nie zostały wykluczone z zakupionych produktów, tak jak ja byłem z mojego mtDNA i Y-DNA, które kupiłem. Standardową ekonomią jest to, że ten, kto kupił produkt, jest jego właścicielem. Jeśli produkt zostanie odebrany właścicielowi bez sprawiedliwego odszkodowania i nie zostanie oczyszczony ze wszystkich obszarów użytkowania, jest to zdecydowanie kradzież.
Przykład kalkulatora TIP pokazuje, że 30± 5 jest używany bez określania jednostek jako sig-fig, a następnie biorąc odpowiedź na setną bez stosowania podstawowej matematyki. Poprawianie pisowni przed poprawieniem matematyki pokazuje, że administratorzy z wyjątkiem Jamesa M. Irvine’a z Irwin Surname Project nie znają swoich podstaw matematycznych jako naukowcy, nie mówiąc już o genetykach.
Для тех, кто не был исключен из приобретенных продуктов, например, я был из моей мтДНК и Y-ДНК, которые я приобрел. Это стандартная экономика, что тот, кто купил продукт, владеет им. Если продукт взят у владельца без справедливой компенсации, а не очищен от всех областей использования, то это определенно кража.
Пример калькулятора TIP демонстрирует с 30± 5 используется без указания единиц в качестве сиг-фига, а затем принимает ответ на сотую без применения базовой математики. Исправление орфографии до того, как кто-то исправит математику, показывает, что администраторы, за исключением Джеймса М. Ирвина из проекта Irwin Surname Project, не знают своих математических основ для того, чтобы быть учеными, не говоря уже о генетиках.
Y Haplogroup Heat Map PhyloGeographer
Loren S. Elliott dad’s family history on oldest son Mark Stephen Elliott
Namensverbreitungskarte – Verein für Computergenealogie (
Do not have acess to SEYDN FTDNA 101829 my own data through FTDNA so am obtaining it elsewhere.
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Have an off the grid cabin near the cemetery.
Hamblin Home (
SMALLPOX by Tim Amsden (Published in the Timberlake Times February 2000
In 1877, before the town of Ramah existed, a group of 100 Mormons fleeing persecution in Arkansas came to the area we know as Timberlake Ranch, and established a settlement they called Savoia. Savoia was one of the first white settlements in Western New Mexico.
Unfortunately, along the way one family took refuge from the cold in an empty adobe house, which was clearly marked with the word, “smallpox.” Either because they couldn’t read or because the weather gave them no choice, this house is where their twin babies were born. It is also where they took on the germs they would carry to the small settlement of Savoia.
During the bitter cold and heavy snows of the winter of 1877-78, smallpox ravaged Savoia, taking one person after another. Mothers and babies, fathers and children, died.
Some of the bodies may have been buried in a hand-dug well close to Timberlake – Paul Merrill is trying to verify that story. We do know that at least thirteen smallpox victims are buried in a small cemetery just below the upper ranch house. It is a well-tended area enclosed by a black wrought-iron fence, eerie with the tragedy of the deaths of young parents and children buried there, all struck down within four months by a terrible disease.
The settlement survived for a time – in 1880k, there were ten families living in Savoia. But eventually most of the people left to form Ramah and other communities, and the area, which is now Timberlake Ranch, became the Hamblin Ranch (the Hamblins were part of the original Savoia group).
In addition to the graves of those who died in the smallpox tragedy of 1877-78, the cemetery contains the grave of Polly Ann Hamblin, who lived from 1900 to 1918. Some people say that Polly’s ghost haunts the upper ranch house; but that is another story.
Thanks to two of our landowners, Kathryn Walling and Paul Merrill for their contribution to this article.
The Elliott grandparents of Mt Ayr, Iowa the only grandparents I knew each lost a younger brother in the 1908 flue epidemic. Took my vacinnes in my left arm, where I had my small pox vacination taken.
The history of the Brigham family; a record of several thousand descendants of Thomas Brigham the emigrant, 1603-1653, by Brigham, Willard Irving Tyler, 1859-1904; Brigham, Emma E. (Emma Elizabeth), b. 1852, ed; Brigham, William E. (William Erastus), b. 1865, joint ed Pub 1907
History I Etymology and English place names of the surname BRIG-HAM
RootsTech 2022 Highlights
Would like to present topic, Genealogy with DNA applied, at next session RootsTech 2023. As an old guy, and an amateur family historian – genealogists do not known who to contact. After all Bobby Jones was an amateur golfer and isn’t the history for the family. Why shouldn’t a family genealogist do a presentation on applying DNA to the family search?
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Meta description (chosen by computer, likely based on number of hits);
Barbados and Scotland, Links 1627-1877
By David Dobson Anderson, Angus, Armstrong, and Atcheson included in partial
FTDNA Anderson
FTDNA Armstrong
Armstrong Surname Definitions Forebears:
This surname is derived from a nickname. ‘arm-strong’; compare Strongitharm. The name of a familiar Border clan.
‘Ye need not go to Liddisdale.
For when they see the blazing bale
Elliots and Armstrongs never fail.’
This surname has ramified very strongly in the States and in Canada.
Read More About This Surname;
Armstrong Surname Definition:
This surname is derived from a nickname. ‘arm-strong’; compare Strongitharm. The name of a familiar Border clan.
‘Ye need not go to Liddisdale.
For when they see the blazing bale
Elliots and Armstrongs never fail.’
This surname has ramified very strongly in the States and in Canada.
From Where Does The Surname Originate? meaning and history
This surname is derived from a nickname. ‘arm-strong’; compare Strongitharm. The name of a familiar Border clan.
‘Ye need not go to Liddisdale.
For when they see the blazing bale
Elliots and Armstrongs never fail.’
“Ye need not go to Liddisdale,
For when they see the blazing bale Elliots and Armstrongs never fait.”
— An Etymological Dictionary of Family and Christian Names (1857) by William Arthur
“Ye need not go to Liddisdale,
For when they see the blazing bale
Elliotsand Armstrongs never fail.”
— The Origin and Signification of Scottish Surnames (1862) by Clifford Stanley Sims (1839-1896)
The Armstrong name varies in the RJ Hunter 1630 Ulster Muster search;
For Routledge use Rutledge, for Scott use Scot, for Johnstone use Johnston, for Elliot use Ellot, for the 1630 Ulster muster search. Armstrong variations above. A 1376 spelling is Armystrand [army strand along the Scottish bank of the Liddel (Liddell/Little)] Water.
Note: for the El(l)wood and the Edward (Edward of Scotland and Edwards of England show different shields) shields are alike. The surnames Elliott, Douglass, El(l)wood, and Edward are mainly of today the English side of the border, where Elliot, Douglas and Edward are of the Scottish side of the border.
Keith Elliot Hunter (in-law), and Robert P. Elliott (Daniel Cluster) did a lot of good work with the initial DNA, but felt they needed some assistance with the genealogy, applying the use of their DNA findings.
Errors and corrections; All except Pete Horton and I are descended from first son, born at Otter Neck (Saxonville), MA, Daniel. I’m descended from sixth son Jonathan, born in Farmingham, incorporated from Salem End west, Danforth Farms after Thomas Danforth, born in Farminglham, England, and Otter Neck-Stones End-Saxonville in 1700, mill dam region north.
Births, 1690-1809 ‘E’ at incorp. Framingham, MA about 1700
Does the buyer own their Y-DNA or is it the large corporation which does?
Having difficulties extending my SNPs, from the results 23andME has given me, which is equivalent at the time of purchase to the lowest downstream SNP from Family Tree DNA. Though have purchase downstream with support of Robert ‘Bob’ Elliott of the Daniel Cluster R-S16361>A6719>A6722, which I have tested positive for through YSEQ.
Through YSEQ# 3281 Robert ‘Bob’ Elliott has tested positive for R-S16361>A6719>A6722 & A6726+, A6728+. he is also showing that he test positive FTDNA# 172354 R-S16361>PF7357.
FTDNA does not accept transfers from YSEQ. If the numbers are being controlled by administrators or corporations then any results acquired from any study is highly nation state historical, but not valid to scientists or genealogists, especially valid genetic genealogists.
We all have our prejudices and biases. Try to apply mathematic measurement to get by them. Measure behavior.
As a genealogist-scientist, for instance, if one is correcting my spelling and not my applied math, and silencing what I’m saying by behavioral measurement they are neither a genealogist nor scientist. Genealogy and science the true genetic scientists will share information. The true genealogists will do the same among family.
A lot of the top genealogists are older Latter Day Saint ladies. A difficulty they have with their documentation in the confinement of The Church of Latter-Day Saints, when they speak from experience, because they are talking high level genealogy, the ones beginning to use DNA, do not know where they are coming from. The next generation is the DNA guide team. One has to get Latter Day Saint history correct, in perspective to see where these ladies are coming from. Though it may be said that women rights started with a speech by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, in Senaca Falls, New York in 1848, a year after the Latter-Day Saints entered in 1847 the Salt Lake region now in Utah. She Elizabeth Cady Stanton received support from Susan B. Anthony, Rochester, New York. From where the Latter-Day Saints started their trek to Salt Lake from Palmyra, New York, is between Rochester and Senaca Falls.
It should be noted that the government of Wyoming, though Brigham Young was promoting it, was the first government in which women had the right to vote. Then not necessarily in order Utah, Idaho, and Colorado, which are areas in which Latter Day Saint women lived. So, the women of the Latter-Day Saints were the first religious group of ladies to have the vote. Must get the women’s history correct to have correct family history.
The DNA Guide Team of BYU, likely have daughters. Though their mothers are quite popular among the Mormon clientele. Their daughters likely attending BYU are trying to cross over away from the Mormon clientele. It is felt that those which are trying to apply DNA to family history and have not grown up in a Latter Saint household, which research family history religiously certainly can use services of students coming out of the four-year genealogical program at BYU. There is a sense that BYU students are impacting the internet, in a fashion in which genetic genealogy is really moving along.
29th chief Margaret Eliott of Redheugh.,1890:Marke,1890:Ewald,1890:Stephan
Will be in big trouble with the ‘Utes’ (‘Notah’ in Navajo) of U of U, if I do not say that Red and White are the colors of the school, which in Dec of 1979, I received a degree in mining engineering, the school is in Salt Lake City, Utah, where I had access to the upper floors stacks and films of the Church of Latter Day Saints, ‘The Mormons’, Office Building, then what I consider new the Family History Library FHL on the west side of Temple Square, of At least there are when I last was in the FHL old crank film readers which because of familiarity I still utilized 1/31/2022.
Been sharing genealogical information with FTDNA including a 2000+ familytree. Though I paid for mtDNA, 111 markers, and SNP down to R-S16361 which I found to be their lowest downstream. They are not allowing me to sign in to utilize my uploads. So FTDNA for people with a scientific-genealogical background by exclusion cannot be considered a valid genetic-genealogical site. Nor, with the basic of applied economics that the customer owns the product purchased, for the corporation Family Tree DNA to have long run profits into the foreseeable future that is now in question.
“In my opinion, FamilyTreeDNA (FTDNA) has fallen well behind and MyHeritage. Is it reasonable to hope that there’ll be some investment in the website software? Well, that depends on why myDNA was interested in the assets of Gene By Gene. We can hope that the Australian company is keen to diversify into genealogy and ancestry services. To date, I haven’t seen any indication of this in their marketing material.”
Who Owns FamilyTreeDNA? (Explained)
March 30, 2021, by Margaret O’Brien
KAMINSKI Very likely related in the Galicia region of Poland. Likely surnames Barna, and Macuga Masuga
Doing genealogy sometimes, I bump elbows, with this team of top level genealogists, which seems to be keeping track of me, but it is in their nature to look after another group which carries Y-DNA like I do. This group goes by the letters; MOMS; Mothers of Mormon Sons.
Yes, they have these people called Sons which carry Y-DNA like I do. The ones which do not carry the Y-DNA they go by a non-four letter word called daughters. The Y-DNA moms do not pass the Y-DNA but it is passed through the dad. Moms-Dads-Daughters-Sons, are as a group referred to as a Family. Genealogy is Family History;
Everyone; Moms, Dads, Daughters, and Sons, put into the Family History;
The Daughters;
RootsTech 2019 chart from;
You Can Do DNA – Christi Lynn Jacobsen, Dana Leeds, Diahan Southard
Note; data base numbers have increased across the board for 2022.
DNA Family Tree; X&Y-DNA, autosomal and mtDNA. All in everyone, except the fathers, sons, and brothers, are the ones which carry the Y-DNA.
Autosomal which many corporations (23andME, AncestryDNA, FTDNA, LivingDNA, MyHeritageDNA, and many others) carry, is the basis for genetic genealogy. With the genetics and genealogy done properly, autosomal DNA results down to eighth cousin are possible.
Elliott line by Y-DNA, (YSEQ and FTDNA) to Daniel Elliott (1st son Daniel, and 6th son Jonathan) which left testimony in defense Salem Witch Trials of Elizabeth Proctor, of Arthur Miller’s Play ‘The Crucible’, 28MAR1692. Closest match by FTDNA is distance one out of thirty-one markers for branching at Comfort Elliot above. Y-DNA reaches farther back in time then autosomal DNA. The Y-DNA can be verified by autosomal DNA then to go beyond the reach of autosomal, where Y-DNA can be used.
Like with all purchases it is the customer, THE FAMILY which does the purchase which KNOWS BEST how to use it. Basic economics, the Y-DNA firms YSEQ, FTDNA, and others entering the market, knows that the customer/family knows best how to use their product. The firms which realize this for Y-DNA will be the ones which can tap for instance the Asian market.
It should be noted;
Moms story;
This is my life story. It began on July 31, 1925, when I, Alma …
THEY CARVE A LIFE. This is my life story. It began on July 31, 1925, when I, Alma Anne Barna, was born in the Samaritan Hospital in Troy, New York.
The name moose evolved from LOS (moose) variants from regions which they are living today, into the ELK name of Germany and England, onto America to become the word MOOSE. It is felt if indigenous American cultures can utilize the name MOOSE from where they roam in America, that indigenous EUROPEAN cultures can utilized the name LOS from where they roam in Europe, evolving into the name ELK then branching into ELK of forest and of marsh. It is felt that the migratory Anglo-Saxon utilized names from wildlife as indigenous Americans did.
‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell
Sheep-stealers-from-the-north-of-England-the-Riding-Clans-in-Ulster-by-Robert-Bell.pdf (“Schafdieb aus dem Norden Englands”: Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell – Gorrenberry