Crozier Ulster




Buccleuch Elliott Hermitage Castle Crozier Nixon – Google Search


File:Sasine deed 1484 for Robert Elwald (Elliot), Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth.jpg – Wikipedia

The Sasine deed from 1484 for Robert Elwald (Elliot) pertains to the lands of Redheugh, Larriston, and Hartsgarth. This historical document includes landholders such as Ker, Scot, and Elwald, and witnesses like Elwald, Graham, Forester, and Crozier.,_Redheugh,_Larriston,_Hartsgarth.jpg




FTDNA Harvard


Rental – Liddesdale 1630


File:Sasine deed 1484 for Robert Elwald (Elliot), Redheugh, Larriston, Hartsgarth.jpg – Wikipedia

William Elwald-Elliot-Elliott manages land in deed, and as landlord his descendant William Elwald-Ellot-Elliott land holder of Gorrenberry is in on the rescue with Scot(t), Armstrong, and Bell of a Kinmont Willie Armstrong. Do not forget the Bigham (big house) not Brigham (bridge house). Do not let anyone know this but those Grahams, which us Armstrong and Elliott would never marry, like the above it shows the Irving would were in on the rescue.


One does not get to choose their cousins.



Die Riding Clans in Ulster von Robert Bell

‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell

 ‘Sheep stealers from the north of England’: the Riding Clans in Ulster by Robert Bell History Ireland



World Names Public Profiler


Crozier; forebear surname

Crozier distribution Great Britain



Ulster 1790

3.4 Fermanagh
The relation between the Crosare (Crozier), Elwald (El
lot), Home (Hume), in the Minto (Wolflee/Wolfhopelee)
regions is shown in a Declaration of Sasine to David
of Home 1436, when a Johannis Elwald, and a Ja
cobi Crosare witness the deed of David Hume receiv
ing land from of Wolflee and Wolfhopelee from William
John Croser sword only is listed in the ca1630 munster
rolls of Tully Castle (1630 Tully, Monea, and Tullykelter
Castles exist, but Castle Hume was built later[59]) the
Barony de Magherboy, Fermanangh, Ulster. Croser, El
lot and Hume in this same region as found two centuries
earlier, in southern Treviotdale with Sasine of David

Maghereboy, Fermanagh, Ulster, Hume, Hamilton and
Somerville lands of Tully, Monea, and Tullykelter Castle lands.
In 1659, Crozier were listed in the Census of Fermanagh/Armagh, Ulster.[3]


[1] Report on the Manuscripts of Colonel David Milne Home
of Wedderburn Castle, Issue 2 Great Britain. Royal Com
mission on Historical Manuscripts H. M. Stationery Of
fice, 1902 – Home family
[2] A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Extinct and
Dormant Baronetcies of England, Ireland and Scotland
John Burke, Sir Bernard Burke J. R. Smith, 1844 page
[3] The history of Enniskillen with reference to some manors
in co. Fermanagh, and other local subjects by Trimble,
William Copeland, 1851-1941 Published 1919


In 163- Ulster muster a John Croser is listed in Magherboy,Fermanagh, Ulster on the estate of  George Hume of Tully Castle.
John Croser Ulster Muster 1630

History of Enniskillen rf Fermanagh

William Grocer (Croser), also of Magherboy, Fermanagh, on the estate of Sir W. Cole;

William Grocer, Ulster muster 1630

History of Enniskillen rf Fermanagh

It is felt that early Crozier migrated to Boston, in the American Plantation;


Another William Grocer (Croser) is listed in Dungannon, Tyrone on the estate of Captain A. Sanderson Tyrone Ulster muster 1630 [3].

The RJ Hunter Collection, Ulster Muster 1630-

MSE   2/3/2016


MSE 11/2/2016

c. 1630 Ulster muster;

To help the Ulster genealogist, find family, by R J Hunter- c.1630 muster, religion, language, Robert Bell-history, and surname distribution, plus old mapping of 1654 Liddesdale, and 1576 Westmoreland.





Surname distribution migration to Ulster of Armstrong, Elliot(t), Johnston(e), and Graham.

Westmorland 1576 Saxton map

Click to enlarge

Liddesdale 1654 Blaeu map

Scottish Middle March Clans, of Armstrong, Elliot(t), Nixon, and Crozier, resettlement in Ulster Counties of Fermanagh, and Antrim.

Scottish Landlords of Scotland and Ulster Plantation map;

Ulster-Northern Ireland, Gaelic-Scot language distribution map.

Scotland Gaelic-Scot language distribution map;

Percent interval, of Roman Catholics in regions of Ulster-Northern Ireland.

Anglican Church of Ireland, Ulster-Northern Ireland distribution.

Presbyterian Church of Ulster-Northern Ireland distribution.


The border papers : Calendar of letters and papers relating to the affairs of the borders of England and Scotland preserved in Her Majesty’s Public Record Office, London

by Great Britain. General Register Office (Scotland); Bain, Joseph

Publication date 1894
Topics genealogy
Publisher Edinburgh : General Register Office
Collection allen_county; americana
Digitizing sponsor Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Contributor Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
Language English
Volume 2
v. 1. A.D. 1560-1594. v. 2. A.D. 1595-1603

Chronicles of the Armstrongs;

 by Armstrong, James LewisPublication date 1902
Topics Armstrong family
Publisher Jamaica, Queensborough, N.Y., The Marion press
Collection bostonpubliclibrary; americana
Digitizing sponsor Boston Public Library
Contributor Boston Public Library
Language English

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1

The History of Liddesdale, Eskdale, Ewesdale, Wauchopedale and the Debateable Land: By Robert Bruce Armstrong, Volume 1 Robert Bruce Armstrong, pub. D. Douglas, 1883 – “Debateable land” (Scotland).

The Steel Bonnets: The Story of the Anglo-Scottish Border Reivers

By George MacDonald Fraser

Middle March Clans of 1587;
Recommended references;

The Steel Bonnets: The Story of the Anglo-Scottish Border Reivers

By George MacDonald Fraser


By Robert Bell

7/26/2017 MSE

2/3/2019 MSE

History Ireland

  • Glenn says:

    Hello William
    I would be interested to learn about the Fermanagh Croziers. Have you any information about them?

    • cowie says:

      Need to do something in providing more family genealogical history on the Crozier of Fermanagh. Finding that the name Crozier is likely more recent then people thing. Do genealogy so if I have a line, and people are searching to find relatives hopefully I can provide not an Fermanagh, but and Ulster aspect to genealogical information since it is likely the stepping stone for most coming from Scotland. Link above is of the RJ Hunter collection, a may-likely not have found all the variant muster names on link. You may what to yourself try variant spellings of Crozier.